Femtosecond Erbium Laser

ELMO 780 XHP 7


Advanced Features and Benefits    

  • Output power up to 1 W at 780 nm
  • Pulse width <150 fs at 780 nm
  • Integrated fast amplitude modulation
  • Integrated dispersion precompensation up to -30.000 fs²
  • Optional output port delivering >1 W at 1560 nm
Model ELMO 780 XHP
Contained Modules* 19“ control unit, compact laser head
Output characteristics 780 nm
Central Wavelength 780 nm ± 10 nm
Average Power >1 W (typ. 1.2 W)
Pulse Width <150 fs (typ. 120 fs)
Repetition Rate 100 MHz ± 1 MHz
Output Port free space
Beam Quality M2 <1.2
Polarization linear, s-polarized
Dispersion Precompensation up to -30.000 fs2
Fast Amplitude Modulation** integrated AOM for fast light modulation
1560 nm Output Port free space, up to 1 W
Multiple Output Ports please inquire for additional oscillator/amplifier output ports

*Control unit and laser head permanently interconnected by umbilical cord.
**Analog input 0 - 5 V, rise-/fall-time <300 ns (typ. 180 ns)


The most recent high power extension of our industry-proven ELMO series: ELMO 780 XHP delivers up to 1.5 W of average output power at 780 nm, with pulse durations down to 100 fs. An additional output port providing up to 1 W at the 1560 nm fundamental is readily available. ELMO 780 XHP comes in an extremely compact design, requiring just a fraction of space occupied by other lasers with comparable performance. Fully integrated fast amplitude modulation and dispersion precompensation make ELMO 780 XHP a perfect fit for multi-photon applications in microscopy or 3D nanoprinting.


  • VARIO User-Defined Repetition Rate

    Product Code: VARIO

    Factory-set value selectable in the 50-100 MHz range

Performance data 2x3 jpg

Menlo Expert Jaroslaw Sperling 2023
Dr. Jaroslaw Sperling
Ihr direkter Draht zu unserem Experten




  • Code / Europäische Preisliste
  • ELMO 780 XHP

+49 89 189166 0

Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490

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