TPX Terahertz lenses
Lenses for THz-Radiation

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Advanced Features and Benefits

  • High transparency in THz regime
  • Pre-mounted
  • Easy adjustment in THz-path 
  • Optical transparency range from 780 nm-1550 nm
  • Short delivery time
TPX35 /TPX50 / TPX100 / TPX200
Wavelength THz regime, 780 nm and 1550 nm
Material TPX polymer
TPX35 plano convex, aspheric lens, EFL 35 mm,1.0”/25.4 mm diameter
TPX50 plano convex, aspheric lens, EFL 50 mm, 1.5"/38 mm diameter
TPX100 plano convex, aspheric lens, EFL 100 mm, 1.5"/38 mm diameter
TPX200 plano convex, aspheric lens, EFL 200 mm, 1.5"/38 mm diameter




Our plano-convex, aspherical TPX lens series is optimized for collimation and focusing in THz optics. The TPX35 is a lens with an effective focal length (EFL) of 35 mm and a diameter of 1”, designed for optimal collimation of highly divergent THz radiation. The TPX50 is a 1.5” lens with 50 mm EFL, featuring the same numerical aperture as the TPX35. Both TPX35 and TPX50 are optimized for collimation in combination with our TERA15-FC antenna series. TPX100 and TPX200 are 1.5” lenses with 100 mm and 200 mm EFL, respectively, optimized for focusing the THz radiation for increased working distance in the terahertz path. The TPX35 is mounted in a 1” lens holder with a clear aperture of 23.0 mm, the TPX50/100/200 lenses are mounted in a 1.5” lens holder with a clear aperture of 35.5 mm.

Menlo Expert Milan Oeri 2022
Dr. Milan Öri
Your direct line to our expert

Data sheets

Ordering information

  • Product Code
  • TPX Terahertz lenses

+49 89 189166 0

Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490

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