Milestone in Wettzell: Phase 4 accomplished

Anlage Wettzell mod 20pc

The pulsed optical Timing Distribution System (TDS) at the geodetic observatory in Wettzell (Germany) has originally been installed in 2016. Since then, continuous enhancements in the number of stabilized fiber links, together with an improved version of the PPS distribution electronics, have been successfully implemented over the past 5 years. This included the development of a new design for fiber links used to provide the timing signal to the radio telescopes, which are continuously in motion. This has implications on the overall system complexity.

Menlo Systems is proud to announce that Phase 4 of the project has been successfully accomplished. The TDS has been completed to 95% and almost reaches its final size now. Major milestones include the fully autonomous stabilized fiber links, which can automatically lock without intervention of any user or PC, and the stabilization of the Menlo Systems FC1500-ULN ultra-low noise optical frequency comb used for the measurements of the earth rotation within a large ring laser gyroscope.

Menlo Systems' TDS at Wettzell sets new standards for geodetic measurements in Germany and worldwide. Find more information about our timing distribution solutions and the Wettzell project here: