The 49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) will be held in Perth, Australia, 1st – 6th September 2024.

In recent years, interest in terahertz imaging and spectroscopy in the fields of biology, security, ultrafast chemistry and health sciences has grown exponentially as new instruments and techniques have found their way into many laboratories around the world. This is particularly the case in Europe and Japan, both of which have thriving interdisciplinary programs to support new applications in this frequency range.

As a result, the conference organizing committees have significantly expanded the scope and participating research communities. They have now placed a special emphasis on terahertz techniques and applications, encompassing both the traditional radio frequency range and the new fast pulse time ranges for the generation, detection and utilization of radio frequency energy.

The conference offers attendees the opportunity to participate in a wide range of topics covering all aspects of infrared, terahertz and millimeter wave (IR, THz and MMW) technology and applications from quantum physics, chemistry and biology to radio astronomy, plasma physics and security.

Link to the conference webpage: Welcome to IRMMW-THz 2024 - IRMMW-THZ Society | Ultra high frequency electronics and applications