Son et Lumière
Son et Lumière 2017
The “Son et Lumière” school, which has taken place every two years since 2006, aims at gathering various scientific communities working on acoustics, optics, quantum optomechanics, thermal transport in condensed matter and nanomaterials. The school provides in-depth tutorial lectures for PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers that covers:
• Ultrafast Phononics (picosecond acoustics, coherent acoustic and optical phonons)
• Phononic crystal (superlattices, bands structures calculations)
• Acoustic Vibrations of Nanostructures (Quantum dots, Membranes, Nanowires, …)
• Thermal Transport (Time Domain Thermoreflectance, Phonon Mean Free Path …)
• Quantum Opto-Mechanics
• Light Scattering (Brillouin and Raman Scattering)
• Innovative electronic devices based on phonon control at the nanoscale
• Applications of these techniques to biology and metrology
Homepage of the conferene: