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Menlo Systems GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a
D-82152 Martinsried 

Phone +49-89-189166-0
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Amplifier Seeding and more is a pleasure with the new Menlo Systems femtosecond laser C-Fiber based on figure 9®

Menlo Systems, a leading supplier of highly stable femtosecond fiber lasers, introduces the new figure 9® based, C-Fiber femtosecond laser

The femtosecond fiber laser C-Fiber from Menlo Systems is based on all polarization maintaining fibers in combination with figure 9® technology which results in a higher reproducibility and stability. Since this means changes in pulse duration or spectrum are not possible, it represents a massive advance for applications such as amplifier seeding where stable, reproducible, reliable pulses are key.

The laser has maximum flexibility being available in a range of power levels, 780nm free-space or 1560nm free-space or fiber-coupled output. The repetition rate of the C-Fiber laser may be tightly specified and synchronized to other lasers or references giving users a very adaptable and user friendly source making it a pleasure to work with.

In addition to Amplifier Seeding, applications such as Ultrafast Spectroscopy, 2-Photon Polymerization or Pump Probe Experiments benefit from the quality of the C-Fiber from Menlo Systems.

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Image (300 dpi): MENLO_C-Fiber-780_pic_pr.jpg

Caption: C-Fiber 780 – Menlo Systems’ high stable, all-PM femtosecond fiber laser based on the new generation mode-locking technology figure 9®