Femtosecond Erbium and Ytterbium Laser

MENLO SYSTEMS_Femtosecond Fiber Laser_M Comb_pic_3w


Advanced Features and Benefits  

  • Engineered for ultrahigh stability and ultralow phase noise
  • Highest fundamental repetition frequency available on the market
  • Truly turn-key operation by self-starting mode-locking mechanism with integrated microcontroller ensuring uninterrupted operation
  • Temperature stabilized
  • Repetition rate 250 MHz: tuning range 2 MHz, coarsely adjustable with stepper motor fine-tuned and locked with a Piezo
  • CEO frequency: tunable within the free spectral range of 250 MHz with intracavity wedge stabilized by pump power modulation
  M-Comb orange-Comb
Central Wavelength                1560 nm ± 20 nm 1040 nm +/- 10 nm
Average Power  >75 mW >5 mW
Spectral width (FWHM)  >25 nm >15 nm
Repetition Rate 250 MHz 250 MHz
Repetition rate tuning >2 MHz >2 MHz
CEO frequency tuning >250 MHz >250 MHz
Repetition Rate Instability <1 ppm over 90 hours at constant temperature <1 ppm over 90 hours at constant temperature
Timing Jitter  <2 fs [rms, 10 kHz.. 10 MHz] <2 fs [rms, 10 kHz.. 10 MHz]
Output Ports

5 x fiber-coupled (LC/APC)

1 x fiber-coupled (LC/APC) for upgrade with Menlo M-Phase module

1 x fiber-coupled (FC/APC) with >5 mW

1 x fiber-coupled (E2000) for upgrade with Menlo M-Phase module

Polarization linear, PM fiber linear, PM fiber


Special features make the M-Comb oscillator (250 MHz repetition rate, 100 MHz on request)  the ideal core component of versatile optical frequency comb systems with improved performance. The multiple optical output ports of the oscillator can be amplified, and by subsequent frequency conversion, the NIR and the VIS spectral ranges are simultaneously available for precision measurements.

The high repetition rate of the M-Comb model entails large spacing between the comb modes, which ensures easy and straightforward measurements, and provides high optical power per comb mode.

The orange-Comb (250 MHz repetition rate, 100 MHz on request) is the Yb counterpart.

Optical Spectrum of M-Comb

M Comb Optical 3w

Menlo Expert Ben Sprenger 2019
Dr. Benjamin Sprenger
Ihr direkter Draht zu unserem Experten



  • Code / Europäische Preisliste
  • M-Comb

+49 89 189166 0

Menlo Systems, Inc.
+1 973 300 4490

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