Differential absorption LIDAR
The LIDAR technique serves as an optical tool for distance and speed measurement, or for the determination of atmospheric parameters in climate research. Differential LIDAR uses two different optical wavelengths and provides a self-calibrating method for the depth profiling of atmospheric gas concentration. Stable and reliable optical frequency combs enable not only ground-based applications but also from an air-borne or space-borne platform.
Your direct line to our expert: Dr. Benjamin Sprenger
Application Notes
- Frequency comb helps ground-based, airborne, and space-borne LIDAR systems for weather and climate research
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Optical frequency metrology
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: All polarization‑maintaining fiber laser architecture for robust femtosecond pulse generation
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: Mid-infrared frequency combs
- SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: High-power mid-infrared frequency comb source based on a femtosecond Er:fiber oscillator